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Women are said to bear more than others tell them. We give birth to children, take care of families, go to work. This merry-go-round goes round and round. Sometimes we...

Women are said to bear more than others tell them. We give birth to children, take care of families, go to work. This merry-go-round goes round and round. Sometimes we take a moment for ourselves, for a coffee with a girlfriend, or we go out to see culture. This is how we pump up energy. A positive view of our life, which sometimes seems wasteful, stereotypical or tiring. More than once we say to ourselves that we can't live like this forever.
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It doesn't mean that we don't love our children, husband, work because of it. None of us should feel bad about it. It happens to everyone, but not everyone will admit it.
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At our core, we're probably all the same. Under the weight of fatigue or frustration, we begin to look at ourselves critically. That we can't make it, that there isn't a hot dinner, that the children always want something and we can't make it. And the reflection in the mirror? We see it. Stretch marks, cellulite, folds on the back. It's all there. And it wasn't. And we know that right now we have that moment when we can't put it behind us. When we can't rise above it. That moment when it bothers us. When we want to turn back time and stop in it.
But even after that, the time will come back when we return to our self. It doesn't matter if something isn't done on time. It doesn't matter that there will be a buttered roll for dinner. And it doesn't matter that you have a really weird scar. With a squinted eye, you see something original in her. The original you. In all its beauty.
Don't worry about having bad days. Don't be ashamed of them. It doesn't make you weak. It makes you human.
It makes you a woman.
A strong one. Brave. Sensitive. They are beautiful.
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